Thursday, October 29, 2020


 Life is so very precious and when human beings awaken to their eternal existence they will perceive every single living creature as their own self.

did you ever see the instant reaction when a child gets a puppy as a gift? The child cries and the reason for the tears is the instant reaction of LOVE.

LOVE is the only true emotion and when we are touched by this love we cry, love is the reason we exist, the unknown mystery which created us was all due to love, sir nisargadatta was once asked: is their any power in this universe? He replied YES THE POWER OF LOVE, you see those who have realized their true nature have experienced this eternal love, it comes up out of a bubble and when the bubble burst out of it comes a love that no words can touch, words can only tell you of it and that reality is us all and we are one with no other hidden behind billions of different forms.

Life is so precious and you don’t know this til life reveals itself as yourself and it’s purity of gifts. When we are born and we are taught to see everything by it’s name and descriptions you only know differences and there is no gift in differences, no joy, no true unconditional love, and we don’t even see who is living, who is seeing, why? Because of the conditioning of concepts I am a person, we overlook the obvious, nothing can exist or be alive without existence, and yet it goes un-noticed.

I am seen as mother, as a sister, as a neighbor, as a female, I am seen as all these labels and descriptions and I am none of them, I am universal eternal existence the same as you,  the one who says I AM IS EXISTENCE NOT A PERSON, the I am is God, he is the all, all forms are created for existence to manifest in and it’s how existence becomes aware it exists.

There is no person, no mind, no ego, no soul, these are words with no meaning, the seer is manifest existence I am and there is pure light which is seen in the Reyna of all eyes, your conscious presence I am is the divine, invisible existence rises up from core of life, and it’s what merges back into the core which is sleep, there’s no person waking up and sleeping in a body, it’s our conscious presence that manifest and Unmanifest.

look at yourself and see there is no mind, there is a brain, there is seeing and hearing, it belongs to no one, why we are not taught we are existence from the very beginning of this life?

if every human being was taught this from the get go there would be unity and love.

nature does not live by intellectual knowledge, 

who is doing everything? Who is doing everything in nature? How does a bird know how to build a nest? Our true nature flows in ease and the higher power does all through all.

Mental suffering exists because of all the concepts 

When I’m fully aware I am existence I would never identify myself as a black man or a white man, these words just won’t exist because the I am universal existence.

Every single living animal is existence and it is pure love and joy, one with no other, the joy in playing with a puppy or feeding a peanut to a squirrel is beyond a gift because I am all of them, only joy and love remains in this manifest life, it is a short manifest heaven filled with glorious life’s of every kind, everything is love, you see how the dog shows it’s love when it sees you? 

All animals show their love in silent ways and there’s no better gift in this universe, we are so blessed to have this short manifest life, it’s vital that every child is taught from the very beginning that they are the manifest existence and so is all creation, imagine the one true truth is not even spoken to us, our conscious presence functions on the knowledge we learn, we are not taught the truth and this is why we believe to be the body and we live with so much fear and anxiety, all this would cease to exist if true words were taught to us.

All words are concepts, the knowledge of this world is the source of all suffering.


Human nature lives off knowledge and therefore believes I am so and so, and it sees all others by the names and descriptions, imagine if every creature of this world who gives birth says my son or my daughter? Nature has no such concepts, they raise there young and LET GO,  no mental suffering exists, No attachments exists because there’s no other. 

When humans create more bodies, humans label and define that body as a somebody, this is how the idea of “ other” exists, every single body in nature in created for universal existence to manifest in, this is how existence knows I am, everything that exists is existence, there is no one who  exists, that concept truly creates other!!

No self exists, only I AM and that’s universal invisible existence unlimited which is neither Born nor dies! 


Galatians 6:3 those who think they are something deceived themselves, everything is nothing 

I am nothing and nothing is everything, body talks words, your not these words or labels, you are only invisible existence, eternal life, look at yourself without words, all you can say is the only thing in the body is life, no entity exists, it’s all WORDS!!! 

Love says I am everything which is the manifest I am and wisdom says I am nothing which is the Unmanifest life, all the manifest is the one conscious presence I AM.

TREE OF LIFE OR TREE OF KNOWLEDGE, this is in the Bible but nobody really new what this meant, knowledge taught us all that we are not, this has caused millions of beings major depression, their pure peaceful existence has the belief they are the body and person, prior to knowledge you didn’t know what a body was.

Your never talking to “ another” not ever helping “ another” all is yourself! Body talks like a radio, open it up no one is inside, watch what happens when a body dies or when you put an animal to sleep, life leaves it and merges into this moment and becomes unlimited, there’s no beginning or ending to life, I am the manifest existence I am and I am eternal life, both are invisible, it’s nature is peace and silence.

John 1:2 life was made manifest

John 1:4 in him was life and the life is the  light of men 

John 16:28 I came forth from the father, and came into the world, I leave the world and return to the father.

Jesus used parables trying to express the glory that shined forth, there’s no way we can know how or why this almighty grace comes upon you and merges you into who you are, consciousness merges into core of life while your awake, then life manifest into world and you are in the invisible, fully illuminated, we all are the life, the manifest is existence and the light shines out the eyes, we are pure energy and we come from universe and merge back in it, throw out all knowledge on who you are, it’s all concepts and misery, so many human beings are bound by concepts and there minds constantly focus on the body, absolute misery, they don’t know there conscious presence I am, this becomes free of the body, one has to come to know there manifest nature.

Stop talking about the body as yourself !!  You are not THAT!! 

The BEAUTY IN THE PRESENCE OF NOW, it’s our eternal unlimited body

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Self realization

 It’s astonishing seeing so many things written about who we all are, it is the most simplest thing, this moment is life, life has no beginning or ending to it and you are that eternal life, what stands in everyone’s way is the knowledge your a person, all the knowledge you have on yourself was put in you since childhood, there’s a mental space in the brain that hold onto words and meaning. This is what’s false.

Everything continues to flow in life, all , the ego or idea of me is a concept, look in the body WHATS there? all you can say is life, so why do we believe we are persons? Because the knowledge your the body, your not that corpse.

If your asked to look within you’d say all I see it guts in a body, now start here:

Ask what sleeps and what wakes? Manifest Unmanifest, when we believe to be the body we are terrified of death, but we are not the body or knowledge of a person, you are that conscious presence I am which rises up out of core of life, it is the one existence I AM


Who speaks? It’s life, who dies? NO ONE, This is what you need to know, your home is this moment, when life leaves the body the nothingness that you can’t see will merge back into itself and become unlimited again, when the body was born and took the breath of life it took it from the present, .you are eternally here, all creation is moving thrusting /existence, the body is there so existence can become I am, your invisible presence knows it is, there’s nobody who knows they are, we are all the supreme reality, there’s nobody in a body, for heaven sake, concepts, tree of knowledge is the entire illusion, so who is doing if nobody exists? The same power that does through every creature, the unknown.

Look at yourself, there is neither a mind or ego, both of these are concepts, when baby is born no matter what the baby is, puppy, monkey, horse, human, it takes the breath of life and it becomes alive, WE ARE THAT INVISIBLE EXISTENCE AND WHEN BODY DIES YOUR  EXISTENCE LEAVES THE BODY AND MERGES BACK INTO THIS MOMENT AND BECOMES UNLIMITED AGAIN IN UNIVERSAL EXISTENCE.

There is no me no you no other, everything is existence! 

We think we are somebody that sleeps and wakes up, there is nobody sleeping and waking up, it is manifest existence that conscious, then existence Unmanifest and that’s sleep where everything vanished, when existence manifest and is conscious all comes into being, the parable, I WAS NOT BORN INTO A WORLD IT WAS BORN IN ME IS CORRECT, you see in the core of body is life, it is existence that manifest and Unmanifest from the core, when manifest a whole world is seen, it’s by your light that all is seen, this light shines out all eyes, it’s so visible, why doesn’t anyone see it? 

We are  existence, not the words or concepts created by knowledge, all knowledge is false and it’s the cause of all mental  suffering, you are not the body, you are the seer, happy and free knowing nothing, like all nature, there’s so many countless forms, we are all the exact same existence in all as all.

Be formless existence that’s conscious and seeing, keep turning your awareness back into the seer, you need more and more awareness on yourself not on this world, the treasure is within you, it’s not in this world, you are the treasure! 

Your aware that I am and you say I am that’s your manifest existence that conscious, your consciousness I am is the divine manifest, the seer is consciousness, your manifest existence is behind the body and it’s really hard to become aware of your presence, love and devotion awakens your existence and it’s all for you, ask your own self to help you know your true nature.

I am in you LIFE as you are in me WORLD, we’re can the supreme hide? Existence is so ancient and it’s every where, your true nature is no knowing, life is a no knowing, the body speaks, there’s nobody inside doing it, love and devotion to ourselves  awakens your existence to itself

we identify ourselves as the body and that’s why we believe in differences, has anyone ever noticed that all things are life? How can you be something that’s created by a word? A concept? The seer is free and eternal and invisible, the seer is all creation is invisible, the invisible has no identify, it is vast and unborn and unlimited...

What more can be said? I am nothing and everything, so are you, the one seeking or meditating does not exist, know thyself as existence that’s eternal and set yourself free from all knowledge...existence is conscious and knows I am, this is how existence becomes aware that I am, the very I am that you say is existence but you take it to be the body, how can you be the body? Have you ever seen a dead body? It’s dead because existence left it, your not a corpse.

Death is about life, DONT be afraid to be your true nature happy and free, all creation is LIFE, every tree, flower, grass, there’s nothing that’s not life, life is the supreme absolute.

When you say I am hungry or I am tired, that’s existence identifying itself as the body, truth is, you are the one aware body is hungry, your aware the body is tired... be aware that your aware, there’s no person in a body, there’s only existence and all that knowledge you were taught is the source of every false thing, you are only eternal existence 

When your true nature shines forth the inner will merge with the outer and a light will shine unlimited in all its glory, while in world I am the light of it, we are life light n love.

Light and love come with the seed that creates all bodies, but the life does not come with it, body learns to talk and then we believe we are a someone talking, this is all false knowledge and this is the source of all suffering.

You are only the manifest existence I am and eternal life, when you manifest abide in the core, the core is the “ I”, when you truly come to know that every single thing is existence all grief will cease to exist, we cry over no one!

Stop seeing all as a name and label and see all as existence, life is the totality and life does not die, what dies are the concepts of human nature, I am HERE ETERNALLY AND SO IS THE ALL! 


Tuesday, May 5, 2020


In nature all are male-female bodies, this is how it keeps creating over and over, in nature they take care of the young then release them to nature, there’s no attachment whatsoever because there are no concepts, the objects are created for life to manifest in them, this is how EXISTENCE BECOMES AWARE THAT I AM, existence is nothingness, the seeing out all eyes is manifest existence consciousness, if you had no knowledge you would only be aware, like all nature is simply aware, there’s no entity living, there’s no such thing as a person, no such thing as anybody, all the names and labels given to human beings is nothing more then concepts, there’s nobody living in a body, invisible existence nothingness life, life has no beginning or ending to it, look at the vast world-universe it unlimited invisible nothingness and we are THAT, life goes into the body and it becomes alive in every creature, but there’s nobody living, when the body dies weather it’s a horse, a dog, a human body, it’s life that leaves the body and merges back into the ocean of universe, I am the all, the all is nothing, I am nothing at all, the substance of all the living is existence, drop concepts, there is no you doing, you think your in control because your head is filled with concepts, truth is no you exists at all,it’s all concepts, all that’s living is one existence with no other,only existence is manifest in all creation, there’s no one who exists...

The higher power does everything through everything, this whole play of life is happening by the power of life, universal existence is alone and it came to know it is thru the body, every time a body utters the words I AM that’s invisible existence, so to make up stories it created knowledge and this knowledge is how human beings are living and creating a story line, some write songs, some write books, some create movies, some just live life moment to moment because life is a no knowing, but the one actor in all is the one unlimited existence, but human beings see the “ OTHER” as so and so because that’s how you were trained to see the “ OTHER” by the name or label given, yet the mind cant go beyond the concepts and see the one living is the exact same as yourself, only by grace manifesting am I able to know this truth, Jesus said I am the way the truth the life, life manifest in all its glory by the grace of consciousness I am, the two become one and BOOM, it’s so glorious, now go beyond concepts and you’ll know nobody is born and nobody dies, we all merge back into this moment, know they self as life or existence, it is what we all are, life eternal is us, no other exists, other is a concept, a name and label given to object, but we are the subject, the seer, trusts is we are filled with a light and love that is so so so glorious, and you get to live your life out in this grace until body dies then I merge back into this moment, our eternal presence i here and now, live fearless and die to ego, be life that you are and be free of concepts, tree of life is total freedom, knowing nothing is wisdom.

Keep staying aware of your existence, this is how it awakened to itself, and inquire into yourself, the highest grace is in you only, be patient, ask for help to die to all the false, it will be done, he knows if you trust in his power by hotel you feel, TRUST IN HIS POWER.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Existence is a non entity

As a baby you took the breath of life and became alive., just like all nature, you are pure existence of this universe, the seed and the life is the universe and you were so free not knowing anything, with no knowledge there was no suffering, there was no knowing whatsoever, you played with everything g and you were fearless, then we begin to learn who we are but the learning was all about the body and about all other objects that exists, all got names and descriptions, then as your learning goes on then meanings to the words, this is how you are experiencing life, as you get older you feel like a separate person with all other persons and animals and so forth, fear becomes a reality to us, fear of death hangs over us, non of this affects anything else in nature only human nature, all that you know about yourself is nothing more then concepts.

did anyone ever tell you that you are existence? Isn't it obvious that all that exists is only existence?  Problem Is the mind actually believes it is an entity, the mind does not know existence, life,  it only knows what you are NOT,  truly all that you are is existence, nothing else exists but the one existence manifested as all creation, you know I AM, but that's all you should know, existence is aware it is, but your I am that you say thinks it is an entity, a somebody and that somebody is nothing more then concepts,no entity exists in this universe whatsoever, what is a person? How do you create a person? It's a complete illusion, your own existence does not know it's true nature as existence itself, you are the inside of the outside and the outside is the inside, existence is always now unchanging, it is free of all concepts and it is fearless because existence always exists, you as existence have never asked anything about yourself to yourself, nor have you realized that you can only ever be existence, so if you as existence ask yourself:  from Where am I seeing from? It's a question your conscious presence should hold onto until it's answered, existence has to turn back into itself and see what is living? You can only say I am life, life is alive, does anything else exist in the body besides life? NO, the mind struggles with this because the mind is filled with concepts that I am so and so, I am this age or a female, so this all that the mind knows.

You have to free yourself up of all the concepts you have on yourself, try just being existence which is a no entity, a baby is pure life not knowing anything and the baby is fearless, what's to fear when nothing is known?  try and keep trying to be what you really are prior to knowledge, throw the " I" out of the mind because no such entity exists, what is an I? It's an idea I am so and so, I have desires and fears, I have this or that, I have a birthday, how can existence be an entity I? How can existence have a birthday? When was existence born? So do you see this clearly? You who are the pure existence of the universe was trained to believe your a somebody when truth is you are a nobody because existence is existence, life is life, when life leaves the body it merges back into the total existence and becomes unlimited again, the body dies and changes all the time but not spirit, not existence who is the one supreme being, you are the supreme being, you are unlimited infinite existence and all that exists in the wonderful variety of creation is one existence.

Once you live as existence which has no identifications as being anything else except for what you are you will become so free and the more you remain aware of your existence the more it awakens to its splendor and will manifest itself in all its glory, keep the mind in surrender, accept what is at all times, the ego must die because it's that conceptual entity that blocks you from your true nature as existence which is this present moment, there is no beginning or ending to your true nature and when the " I" is thrown out of the mind only existence remains as a non entity, you need nothing because you are already complete and free, you are all creation when you live as existence you will see it's so obvious that only existence exists.

When you begin to realize the nature of all these concepts you will see clearly it's the cause of all the suffering in this world, you see beings falling apart when the idea of a loved one died, this idea there is a you and an other is very painful, there is no other nor has there ever been an other, all are the exact same manifest existence and it does not die,,it only merges back into this moment and becomes unlimited, DONT BE AFRAID OF WHAT YOU ARE, it the only truth, as Christ said I AM THE LIFE, THE LIGHT, THE WAY, the light is your. conscious presence, that light is what is aware, you are aware of the room that your in, you are aware when body gets hungry or hurt, LIGHT AND LIFE IS ALL THAT EXISTS, there's no me no you and no I, there's only life, existence and your light, this light is what is aware and it's how existence knows it is, it is aware of the dreams in mind when body is sleeping, it is aware of this dream world, earlier you were told to ask from where are you seeing from? Well from your light which is your very awareness, and your aware of existing and aware all that exists in the OCEAN OF LIFE IS LIFE AND LIFE IS A NON ENTITY, it is free, it is the spirit, it is the supreme being of universe and you are THAT

LIVE AS EXISTENCE AND SEE HOW BEAUTIFUL YOUR LIFE WILL BECOME AND WATCH THE BEAUTIFUL PATTERN OF EVENTS, you have no cares or concerns, being a non entity which is what you are is freedom from all concerns and concepts, prior to knowledge you were pure existence only, you are that now and for eternity, life is the eternal, unborn and deathless.

There is no mind, what we. call thought is mind, your not thoughts, if you have trouble with thoughts hold onto one thought, then nothing else can enter and soon enough you will return to your.natural presence as this present moment.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

No mind

In the awake state if you remain as you are with " no mind" no concepts you remain the perfect being that you already are.

what beings call mind is truly consciousness, you are pure consciousness I am in the awake state with no mind, there's no such thing as " mind" it's a word created in this conceptual world, truth is what one calls mind is thought, a thought comes and you believe your thinking it and that is not so, thoughts rise in consciousness, just see it and then it will go, abide as NO MIND  and you'll see what your true nature is, it's simply being, that's it, just being and it's bliss when you realize there is no mind.

So take a seat and see, abide as no mind right now, soon you'll be able to live a great life with no mind, no thinking and no thought, pure being is pure spirit, your eternal nature, it's so simple when you stop using the mind to discover what you already are, pure being never changes, all else comes and goes while you always are, unchanged being, you are not going to sleep and waking up, consciousness rises all comes into being, consciousness merges back into core all vanishes but not you, you always are and your the one aware of all this, so in awake state remain as NO MIND and you'll come to see that you are peace itself and joy, just being, not being anything at all, just being and seeing with no interpreter.

as you remain as you are with no concepts running you'll see how effortless your spirit is and soon you'll perceive that it is pure light that is seeing, thoughts and thinking cover it up, so when you stay as no mind the light will soon be shinning and all that you see will look so beautiful and peaceful, stay aware of no mind so your attention is drawn back inward, being aware of your own existence.

You'll no longer believe you are a body or born,  fear will come to an end with the realization all that exists does so because you are, the world was born in you and by your light it is seen, so rest in NO MIND and allow your own treasure in the core of the being that you are come to realize itself

NO MIND ONLY PURE EFFORTLESSLY BEING, no you no God, no God no you

Saturday, September 10, 2011

If I am God, why don't I know it...

 Gods name is I am, I am THAT I am, it is invisible existence which has no beginning or ending to it, your true nature is this existence, there is NOBODY WHO EXISTS, only existence exists, let me explain: when body was born it took the breath of life and the body became a living entity, like all nature, but human nature was taught words and the meaning to the words, so your existence which does not know itself, was taught it’s this body and a person.

NOW we teach a bird to speak and it does, but the bird does not know the words or the meaning to words and it is free of any kind of identification, the bird remains happy, human nature Became the words, YOU BECAME THE WORDS AND MEANINGS, it’s astonishing, in the back of brain there’s a pocket of memory and words and meanings develop and grow, you did not know the word fear or the meaning of fear until you learn this word, as a child it meant nothing but now it means everything, we grew into the belief that we are a somebody that’s experiencing life.

THIS IS THE WHOLE ILLUSION, the body speaks like a radio, open it up nobody is inside, the body is like a computer, spitting out words, TO WHOM? This is what concepts have created and it’s all we know until grace comes and transforms you back to your true nature as pure existence, the ego gets destroyed by the life and light when it manifest through the brain, what remains is pure empty space, just like your animals, there head is empty of concepts, that’s the true nature of all existence, but human beings are suffering by knowledge of this world..

The parable tree of life or tree of concepts.

 the I am that you say is manifest existence that’s conscious, it’s pure emptiness and free not knowing anything is our true nature. So you ask about working and things that you have to learn, that’s ok as long as you realize the knowledge you have is to do your job and it does not affect any other part of your life.

we have zero awareness of our conscious presence, and this is all you have to come to know, the very I am that you say is the divine manifest existence that is conscious and aware is pure light and it’s love, the light is not hidden from anyone, it shines out all the eyes,  I AM THE LIGHT OF WORLD

Your conscious presence was trained to only know the body as yourself, YOUR CONSCIOUS PRESENCE IS EXISTENCE, not a body, body is there so you can know I am, it’s how you know you are.

you identify as a body because your conscious presence was trained to only know the body not existence, when your parents said: where is your nose, your eyes, your ears, and your pointing at them as your hearing these questions, so this is how our conscious presence became identified as the body and this is how the journey of suffering began and the idea I am so and so, it’s all concepts, there’s no person, only existence exists, when body dies life leaves it and merges back into world, body dies not YOU!! If you grew knowing your true nature as invisible existence no fear would ever enter!! When I am aware that my body is this universe and unborn unlimited existence and for a short while I manifested in a body and became aware that I am and it was so much fun but now body is sick and it’s time to merge back into the universe there’s no fear of death to that which was never born, there’s no beginning or ending to who you are!

You think your a person waking up and sleeping, that’s not so, your conscious presence manifest and Unmanifest, it is existence itself, yet we never questioned where is a person in a body? There’s no such thing as a person, a person is a creation of concepts only, there’s only the one existence I am .
Life is what’s eternal, life is this present moment and it’s timeless and changeless without a beginning or ending to it, Your existence I am rises and subsides in the core of life!

existence needs to body to manifest in to know it exists! To know I am..

How to know my conscious presence?  constantly be aware of being conscious, the more you stay aware of your own existence the more it awakens to it’s true nature, inquiry ends all concepts and mental suffering, have you ever asked who is seeing? From where are you seeing from? Watch what happens in the mind when you inquire. You’ll come to realize your true nature is pure peace and silence,

when we say I am tired, you are identifying the body as yourself, you are the one aware that the body is tired, the same when body is hungry, your the one aware the body is hungry, do you see how concepts has created us to believe we are the body? This is why we have the fear of death, but your not the body, you are what gives life so it becomes alive, you are everything that exists in this world, everything is life.

BE AWARE OF THE BODY SENSATIONS, once your aware of the hunger and of the bodies pain or tiredness you become free of fear and know you are eternal existence and not the body.


Your manifest existence is behind the body, to become aware of your presence stay aware of your existence, as long as your draw your awareness back onto yourself it will behind to awaken to itself, you see we are not aware of our own presence so it seems hidden, but it’s not, all will become clear to you, keep up your inquiry to bring back the pure ness and emptiness of mind, realize all the knowledge in you was put intou do throw it out, knowing nothing is wisdom, the nature of life is a NO KNOWING

existence is experiencing itself through the wonderful variety of forms but know it’s all the exact same existence, the mind was trained to see all as the names on the forms so the mind can only see the dog as a dog, it does not see the dog as Existence, we are missing out in this glorious life not knowing we are the all and it's the greatest bliss and love.

To realize your true presence know it is existence and not a person, constant awareness that your existence and then you'll become more and more aware that indeed your are pure existence which is the manifest love and light, your light will be perceived when your true presence begins to realize itself.

To know your true presence you must be constantly aware of your own existence, don't let all your attn be outside of you, be aware of who is aware, draw your attn back onto yourself this is how you will discover your true nature

All the mental suffering and depressions we go through is due to belief I am a person, all this mental suffering will cease to exists because there is no person, all concepts are false, no person no mental suffering,

there is only the we one manifest existence and it's pure light and love, emotions will cease, thoughts will not control you anymore, all the suffering of depression and ideas of separateness will all cease, you'll be able to truly see for the first time that everything is all one existence manifested and no One is born nor dies,  existence is always alive and invisible, this moment is our unlimited body.

Before you can see all are the one manifest existence it has to be realized within you and your true presence will become revealed because your now focused on it and aware of it, once your conscious presence is focused on itself it awakens to itself, inquire into yourself on who you are, be aware that you are aware, the more your attn is on you the more your true nature awakens to itself, this is how you realize the ego is nothing but a creation of concepts, no person exists, only existence exists, the very conscious presence I am is pure light and pure love, once it awakens your true life begins...  BE STILL AND KNOW I AM GOD

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The formless seer

The seer is silent, the seer is not the body or mind the seer sees that all are the reflections of the seer, be here and now and enjoy, be present with yourself, re-new your mind and go back to childhood before words were known, be present with yourself you will see your own presence everywhere,  find out who the seer is. This is your goal and this is who you are. The seer is the grace in which gives life to this body.

Step out of what you have known and go straight to what is unknown within, drop all thoughts of what you took yourself to be,  you already are that which is the supreme self, how to open the treasure? Devotion and faith that you are that!

The seer is eternal and love, no one is out of this, no one is separate from this, because there is only one,  all seen is your own self, there is no personal "me", nor has there ever been, so let these false identities go that you have on yourself . You must know yourself first before you can love anything else,  give yourself attention and devotion, you give it to everyone else and everything else but yourself, stop focusing on the images seen, focus on who is seeing the images, by doing so you will see you already are present as the seer.

 The seer and the seen are equal, why? they are one, what is seen comes from the seer, There are no opposites for the seer, the seer is not divided by man-woman, bird, or animal, only thoughts that your something else divides you and all seen,  pain and suffering all arise from mind "thinking" your something other then the divine greatness, who else could you be? You know there is only one! you are confused due to what was filled into your mind, remove these false teachings, all of the knowledge is false, so many names were given to what was seen, everything seen has a label stamp on it, therefore you believe it to be your name name, dog, birds, cats, lions, horses, trees, man, woman, baby. child, flowers, ocean,sun, moon there are billions of objects with names, all of these "objects" seen are the one divine within the object, all seen comes from the formless seer within form, You are that!! the entire world is within this formless seer, so what can possible be separate from you? your missing your divine greatness and love because you "think" your limited. You are far from being limited, you are so darn fathomless filled with this fathomless love for your self....all is your self,  wisdom is to know this. stop defining what it is you see, you are one with life, you are the formless seer that gives life to all seen, you are seeing your own self living, loving, playing and you enjoy this is so simple to realize your own self when you realize your not this mind or body, your the one aware of this and the one aware if the formless seer within...

How can I possibly experience death if I never experienced birth? does anyone ever remember being born? if you never remember being born will you ever remember dieing? do you see who you are can never be what you thought? you are beyond both!! what was never born can never die, it is greatness..

The seer can not be defined by words, only known within your own self, your own self will realize itself when you remove what your not, your not the mind made man, you are the formless deathless, timelessness seer within form...

when mind is no one  the seer awakens, you will realize that you have always been this divine being,  where there is silence wisdom arises, who else wrote these words?  Mind can not become silent on it's own, if you the one aware of this mental activity allow it to be there and see it for what it is, it leaves on it's own, it has no power whatsoever...then silence just arises from that...

The mind will destroy the mind when it realizes it is nothing..

You are love and you are loving,  there are no other words,  the seer can not nor ever will be defined or described in words, the seer is all that is seen and beyond.

The seer is the mystery of life, this mystery is so endless, why endless? because there is no beginning.. don't be fooled by appearances..all appearances come from the seer and return to the seer, this greatness that you are is magic, no words will never be able to describe this fathomless love..NEVER!

You will slowly start to see everyone as spirits and not people, when your divine self reveals itself there is no form known, you don't even know you have a form, it is transparent, yet it is so powerful, so keep recognizing this over and over so within yourself , in truth once this shines forth, you are in it for life, you are so in love, you do not want to be anywhere else but within this...there is nothing greater then this formless seer within...

nothing is without the seer, the seer is transparent it can not be seen, yet all is because of this! it has no personality, it is not a personal person, it is impersonal, it just is as it is free from anything and everything always has been and always will be.

I carved a man out of my own image, I how could I ever forget that I was the imageless within image, I am not the image, the image is always changing, what changes is not real, what is changeless is the imageless within image, I am that which is the formless seer. I love all that I see, I love all that I hear, I am that love and I am  that which is seen within images. I am the formless, timeless, changless, deathless eternal divine which is always present here.

2 Corinthians 4:18 while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen,for the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal (the formless seer within form, is the seer, is the eternal, you are that)

when there is no mind you are imageless, mind percieves the image, mind can not perceive what is not seen, drop the mind you are not that, you are silence behind the mind.
A song for you~

look and you shall see, where do these divine colors come from? who are you? do they appear by themselves or is the seer the perceiver of his own perceptions? the seer and the seen are one....nothing can appear on it's own, can anything be if your not there?  know yourself and you shall know this...

Life is always present and aware, be one with yourself love what is within,, loving  your own truth is the highest devotion,  love the seer, devotion and love is the marriage to open the treasure, the treasure is the divine center heart, this is the pathway to the very best...and so much more!

when you begin to return to your nature joy shall arise, then you begin to observe how all forms say I or I am, nothing is not thy self, there was nor ever could be any separation, I am the I am within the form, the one who speaks is the formless seer.

you can only feel sadness if you feel separated, and you can only feel separated because you have not realized your self, when you realize your self you will realize your one with all forms, you will realize that you are the formless form within form, that you are all seen, there is only one in all these forms, your dog, your friends, your parents (all these appearances called family, friends and animals are this one divine being) when your self reveals the greater part of itself, you will know this, you will laugh out loud with immense joy knowing all that you have ever loved was your own self, there is nothing else but this one divine self, you will realize that your are indestructible, who you are can never ever ever die, the almighty greatness is one and is deathless, millions and millions of forms appear, what is within every single appearance is this one divine formless being...

I so love you ~