Sunday, August 1, 2021

No YOU exists

 We believe I am so and so,, we believe this is my daughter my mother, does anything else in nature live with these concepts? NOPE, is anything else in nature depressed? NOPE, tree of knowledge is all of human suffering, if you would simply look and see the only thing in all bodies is LIFE, it’s the concepts learned that human beings believe they are a somebody living life but that somebody is only a concept, there is nobody in any body!

How to teach humans they don’t exist? Human beings have to have the courage to inquire back into their existence and as you ask your own self  to whom is this world? You’ll see there is no answer and nobody there, we never asked our own self about our self, the more you realize there is nothing but life the more you’ll realize why we suffer mentally, it’s all concepts.

The habit or belief these are my children must go, loose every single concept, all nature raises their young, then nature releases them to nature, there is no concepts of mine,  it’s just nature doing what all nature does, co-create, every single thing in nature is male-female to keep creating, there are no concepts in nature and no attachments.

I don’t exist, there is no one in a body that exists, there is no one seeing out the eyes, there is seeing, hearing, that’s part of nature, there is no depression that can hit one who is free of all worldly knowledge, free and happy knowing I am only life and life is free, life leaves the body and merges back into this moment and becomes unlimited.

Everything is nothing:  Galatians 6:3, “I am the life, “ Jesus has said this many times, but did not say directly that everything is concepts, he did  say tree of life or tree of concepts? He found it easier to use parables, still no one could understand him, so look at your own self, is there a person inside your body? We are so conditioned by concepts, we send kids to school and no one realizes why they suffer, who are we teaching all these concepts and beliefs too? WHO? Absolutely no one but your making them believe they are a someone and it’s all just a bunch of words!!

Only life is in a body, it is pure existence that is conscious, there’s no person conscious, you do not exist! 

Only by Gods grace can you realize you are life and manifest existence I am is pure consciousness, all are the eternal, intellect is nothing but concepts, just as no mind exists either but more believe in a mind! Such is what concepts do, words and meanings have created queens and kings, presidents and so forth and it’s nothing but concepts, no such entity exists, look to see who you are without concepts!! 

Prior to knowledge who are you? In sleep who are you? Who is aware of the dreams in sleep is aware of this dream world, there is only this awareness, awareness is not somebody aware, who is aware of being conscious?

The concepts of being a person is one’s misery and the concepts on all else, in reality only the one I am is there, everyone knows I am, how many know there true presence?  Your true presence is bliss!  All are the divine

Sunday, April 18, 2021

World is our true body n self

 All bodies of world are male n female, all nature creates new bodies, it is life that makes everything alive, the life in you is the life in all, WE ARE ALL THE EXACT SAME EXISTENCE, there is no other.

MIND-EGO ARE UNREAL, all nature lives by tree of life, means no concepts, yet a bird can weave a nest so perfectly for the babies that are coming, because all that exists is pure knowledge and love.

Human nature is the only animal that lives off tree of knowledge-concepts, we label and define each other with the belief there is an other, we suffer by false concepts and this is why, nature is absolutely free, no attachments whatsoever, what is death to nature? But human nature hears this word and becomes frightened, ITS A WORD IT HAS NO MEANING.

There is no death to LIFE, when I leave the body I merge back into my unlimited self, you can’t see life, wave your arm back and forth and you will feel life, WE ARE TIMELESSLY HERE! 

Woman man, bodies are made to keep creating for universal existence to manifest in, with zero worldly knowledge I’m free of any mental suffering, life goes on but I’m free of all concepts, fearless being, I am the eternal one! 

Please try to know your true self, when you wake up you know I AM, that’s your conscious presence which rises from life, that presence is formless and it’s the exact same in all creation, it’s the LOVE AND LIGHT OF WORLD, your not the body, your the I am, you can come to know your true presence just by turning back inward and asking yourself who you are, then by the almighty power your conscious presence will merge in with life while your awake and life will manifest in all its glory, it’s as simple as love and devotion to your own self.

A dead body can’t say I am, so your not the body but that’s all you know, concepts create the false, turn back in and realize your own grace and don’t give up on yourself! You and all that is, is the eternal, this moment is our body! 

There is no God without you, no world without you, no love without you, if you are not nothing is, realize this and go within knowing all is because you are, it’s that simple!


Wave your arm back and forth, straight out from body, what your feeling is the presence of life, life is the supreme, absolute vast, one breath in a baby takes, and the supreme is in the body, it becomes alive, like nature all are the pure presence of. OW, once concepts are learned troubles begin, just know when a body dies you will feel the void of that presence, DONT cry because that presence is right here, you use to having the presence in a body and you could hug them, but my dear ones, there’s no other, the presence of everyone returns to this unlimited spirit.

give attn to this moment, you are in the supreme and the supreme life is in you, when Christ said the kingdom of God is within you and you are in the kingdom, this is what he was expressing, we are so use to concepts, they are the cause of all mental suffering and grief,  be aware of your own presence and a moment will come that this power reveals all to you, give awareness to the presence and the presence will show you everything, you are it, we all are it.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Life is the supreme guru

 When life wants you to know your truth, it comes in the form of pain and suffering, we don’t know this, we just think I’ve got some bad FREEKING luck going on.

The way life can teach is only through events, life is trying to teach the totality of al human beings right now but they just don’t know, don’t sit until this passes, you talk to life and ask life what are you trying to teach? And you listen for it’s answers, they can come through you or through someone else, JUST BE AWARE.

My last bang was the cutting the nerves open-in both feet and let me tell you, the suffering was beyond human torture, but it wast he only way that my conscious presence would come to surrender and then live. No devotion constantly, my conversations with God were with myself, the only way for us to realize we are otter body is by total surrender to life.

First it was sensations running up and down my spine, what you come to know is our manifest existence that’s conscious is behind body, and by devotion to myself it was waking up and you don’t know this until the revealing comes, my thought was God can hear me but truth is love and devotion awakens you to your own eternal nature.

So this went on, slowly life pulls you away from everything and the last thing is this world, then one day I opened the door to take my dog out but instead got pulled by a force into the world, the body was 100% illuminated and I was in the void or all of existence, and my light shined as endless as my life and your witnessing the whole thing, the life in our center core is who we all are.

Your awake state is manifest existence I am, there’s no person in a body and all our knowledge is the whole illusion, it’s the cause of all misery, separation and mental illness.

If you go to a spiritual teacher you will not awaken, you have to turn into your own existence and remain aware of the seer, total surrender to your own self, heart to heart conversation to yourself, just trust life, only life, your surrounded by life, your in life and life is in you, self inquiry will reveal there is no mind or person, to whom is this body? To whom is seeing? To whom are these thoughts? To whom will reveal the pure silence in your head, there is only a brain and your conscious presence which is no one.

Look at the dog, he loves, who is inside living? Who is loving? It’s the exact same in you, eternal existence and the seed that created all forms is the love and light, there is no such thing as a person, no entity exists at all, you are the life and love and you are so free.

trust only in you