Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pick up your cross and follow me

What did this cross represent? Pain and suffering, why?  it is part of having this mechanical body, we resist pain and welcome pleasure, how can you ever grow into who you really are if these are divided? who you are does not resist anything that comes, all that comes is from grace, you may not realize it at the time, it is the truth..When we surrender into what is and divide nothing, the treasure opens and grows more from that..

Afflictions are given to help you grow in strength and they lead you back to your truth and your home within.

Come to know your own manifest existence that is a pure conscious being.

Why sufferings? well if not for sufferings you would continue to "think" you are the mind and body? sufferings lead to surrender which collapse this egotic mind, mind is pure resistance, individualistic,  you are not these, you are the one who is aware of them, right now in this world 99 percent take their lives to be a separate individual, which consist of being mind-body only so when sufferings arrive in your life where do you turn? most turn to God and start praying, without sufferings no one seems to pray, from prayer you surrender to what is and that is when life will shift.

Who is living? we never speak of this, we only speak of this is my name, this is what I do, this is when I was born, who is living? who am I? who is seeing? who loves?

Without suffering I would of never known this beauty which sits within my heart, grace kissed my heart and lite up my consciousness to realizing and this revealing of being pure divineness the eternal 

pain or suffering is the greatest teacher, for it kills the unreal ego, what is within is greater then anything known, all that is known is limited and false knowledge.

There is only  one divine being who is living here in all things and in all beings, so many beloveds are lost behind all these names and labels and descriptions, tree of knowledge is the illusion and source of all suffering  

this ego is illusion, cut open body no one is inside yet we live with concept I am a person but truth is I am the eternal, I am is the name of the eternal 

every single being is this fathomless treasure, how glorious it is just to be knowing all is myself in this world, the world is the supreme being which is lifE without beginning or ending and it’s life that is the all, your conscious presence I am and life are one without knowledge like the rest of nature

Mind is an illusion, there’s no such thing, mind is thought and thought is mind, no thought no mind 

All nature is concept free but human nature and human nature is very troubling and so many suffer from thought 


the invisible is the real, it sees thru the eyes and experiences itself here, it never ever dies and it is only one,  we are all one divine being and always who am I? when you ask yourself the mind goes into complete silence, this is one question the mind can not answer, it turns the mind back in, find out who it is...

  we took ourselves to be something else therefore we never realize our own divine truth! So may years waisted on false beliefs to be something else other then truth, this will change your life, the real divine love opens in the center, all will realize they are this one divine, who could ever hurt who? this will change the entire world, because the world is within you

1 Peter 2 4:13 but rejoice in as much as you are partakers of Christ sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, you may be glad also with exceeding joy. (nothing can describe this, no words can touch this ever)

so much joy love and peace comes and leaves a imprint on your heart

when you surrender something else takes over, this is the dearest lovable surprise, it is divine and it reveals itself, trust in surrender, live a life of surrender, resistance is mind and it will never win, once the mind collapses, the divine reveals itself from that, you have always been the divine, it is not known due to the active mind, the divine is hidden under this mental activity, once surrender is done, the divine removes this mental activity, something so glorious shines through your consciousness,and the mind becomes 'NO MIND", in stillness your divineness shines it's light, the the peace that is experienced sir passes all understanding, no words can express this beauty, It shines from within you and out and as far deep into the sky, how can anyone express this fathomless peace?

Romans 8:18 For I recken that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed (yes)

Your cross represents afflictions, pain, divisions,  and complete suffering, pick up your cross and surrender to what is, you never die,  it is the body that suffers, Your not the flesh, how could you be?  the moment you open your own awareness to everything, you will begin the movement inward to discover yourself, this body and world changes all the time, who is aware of the coming and goings? find out, realize who you have already always been.

if you ever want to grow deeper into who you are, accepting all that comes is the only way,  love every single experience...resist nothing!

  • All that you love is the exact same existence, one with no other 

Everything that happens is supposed to happen, nothing happens that is not supposed to, listen to the messages..

I am the life, I am the manifest universal existence and when body dies life leaves it and merges back into this world and becomes unlimited, the supreme being is this world, we have forgotten our true nature as invisible existence, we were taught to be a body and the intellect, that knowledge is the cause of all suffering, when you realize you are existence not somebody who exists, all mental suffering will cease to exist and so will the idea of others, everything is existence, from the Cato dog to bird to the horse to the man, all bodies differ not the living, THERES only existence!

1Peter 2 4:12 Beloved think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you..(.it leads you to glory of your own self) why does the supreme cause suffering? So the ego will surrender, when ego surrenders truth in who you are will begin to sine forth, ego is a creation of concepts, so unreal we took that to be real and not even knowing our own invisible existence!! Nothing is alive without life, we are not somebody’s who’s living life, grow out all that knowledge and see who is seeing, THERES no person in a body, it’s manifest invisible existence I AM, your true nature 

Romans 12:1-2  Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind

I so love you

Saturday, April 16, 2011

From where do I come?

From where do I come I do not know, floating through and all over, The precious gift is not known, and can not be explained, For who can tell me?  I am that what ever that may be, it is of the most purest love, infinite light,  it shined by itself to itself in itself. When self woke up nothing had a name, no words were spoken just seeing. walking as if I was flying, There was no effort, I was lifeless yet in fullness of extreme peace floating inside and outside, endless like the sky, feeling nothing but my own self, invisible and all pervading,The beauty in who I am can not be explained, How to explain this? Tears flow when I think of my own self, who am I? I do not know, how to give self a name, I say nameless..

I cry tears of joy for this gift, The gift of self....I am here and now with a heart so filled, The universe is my heart, Sit in my heart and you will know, Do not listen to anything but self, Self is who you are, Not what you perceive, Go in and stay in, inward is who I am, This is where you will find me, I am not out there some where, I am here, I am you and you are me flowing, loving and loved.

A rose needs nothing to sit in it's own beauty.... There is no one there to tell them it's name or what everything seen  is, Take notice in this!.....Therefore it shines on it's own. If there were no words you would know self, when there are words there are thoughts, say goodbye to thoughts and know thyself.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

You are that Diamond

If I had 20 million diamonds, and if I laid them all down and put twenty million different hand towels over the diamonds, you would just see the hand towel. When I remove all the hand towels you would see that underneath them all where the same diamond, YOU ARE THAT DIAMOND!

 The cloth hiding this diamond is not permanent, but the diamond is. This my dearest love ones is untouchable, unbreakable, everlasting shinning vibrant love, it needs no sun to shine, this is you, this is the light in which shines within this cloth covering the diamond. the cloth is mind-body, what is mind? images, imaginations, labels, definitions, descriptions, thoughts, the mind  which says I am this or I am that, I am this body, The mind is running your life but you don't see this, how it loves a life on it's own...I call it the destroyer, Jesus called it evil...

 I know for myself I never would of known the truth if my life was not stripped away, what I mean by this is, when you have your "so called life" which consists of your job, your family, your friends, your money, your home, your comfortable surroundings, your socializing...then suffering strikes the body your finally lead to a heart felt "I surrender", from surrender I was lead to the diamond, why does surrender work?  when you surrender in truth it is the mind that is surrendering, you have been living by it all your life, so when you surrender to what is, the mind relaxes and the truth in who you are starts to shine forth, the cloth is being removed and joy is arising, I have always been this but was unaware that I was. the diamond is the one living, not a "me" that story of "me" it is the mind which is the knot, what a gift it is to suffer....  The meaning of die to all that you know so that you can live, Jesus teachings are so very clear, all these were false identities that made up my so called "life" ran and directed by the mind...(the evil and the satan)  You are already perfect.

outside events happen to remove what I was not, when you realize what you truly are you realize how magical this divine self works, the entire world is within you, at the time you did not know this, so it appears that events are happening without, this beauty is doing all this to bring you back to your truth, your real else to explain this, there are no words.

To be empty is to not be anyone, not to have any labels or definitions on yourself, and to not believe in your thoughts, let them come and go, no one needs to suffer to be who you already are, to be empty of everything is to be the fullness of life and the mystery, it is endless, the mind will try to understand,  it can not, doubts will also be aware of this!

 This is a painful journey, it takes so much courage and strength to stand alone, but boy is it worth it, it is priceless.  The treasures that Jesus spoke of was truth,   I most certainly would of never got this, until all that I was and all that I did and all that I had was gone. Thru a heart felt surrender and so much suffering and courage I found my riches.

  I had no idea of the greatness which is this life that is living in this body. If I had known this I sure would of liked to of known it from birth, but this is not happening. Because our mothers and fathers did not know, no body knows the truth that is their own life!! NO ONE!  What a complete shame.
I know from so deep within my heart where this ever lasting love sits which is in the center. All can know the truth without loosing anything or suffering, when you have no attachments to outside external things, or internal thoughts, you will be lead to experience your own truth.

your already aware that you are, your already aware of the mind, your already aware of the body, so the one who is aware is the divine which is gosh if someone pointed this out to me the difference it could of made in this life, this divine can have no identity stamp on it, with no identity you live free from all the comings and goings,, this is who you really are....You are that diamond that is always aware and shinning, it is not a religion it is just truth, nothing more nothing less, it is simple to just be aware that because of your self all this is, what a joy to live in this huge playground, and all within the playground is your own self appearing is all the diverse forms... You need nothing to shine, what could you need outside of your own self?

have no doubt in what you are reading here, so many people have doubt and fear, desires for other things except for truth in who they are, this my love ones hides the truth in who you are if you allow this dark cloud to stick, it is only a passing sense, so let it come, what comes must go, look, see, feel, experience and then it is gone, while your beloved diamond is untouched.

light is you, ever free and untouched, remove the cloth and allow your self to just see.
St Matthew 6:21 for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also