Saturday, October 24, 2020

Self realization

 It’s astonishing seeing so many things written about who we all are, it is the most simplest thing, this moment is life, life has no beginning or ending to it and you are that eternal life, what stands in everyone’s way is the knowledge your a person, all the knowledge you have on yourself was put in you since childhood, there’s a mental space in the brain that hold onto words and meaning. This is what’s false.

Everything continues to flow in life, all , the ego or idea of me is a concept, look in the body WHATS there? all you can say is life, so why do we believe we are persons? Because the knowledge your the body, your not that corpse.

If your asked to look within you’d say all I see it guts in a body, now start here:

Ask what sleeps and what wakes? Manifest Unmanifest, when we believe to be the body we are terrified of death, but we are not the body or knowledge of a person, you are that conscious presence I am which rises up out of core of life, it is the one existence I AM


Who speaks? It’s life, who dies? NO ONE, This is what you need to know, your home is this moment, when life leaves the body the nothingness that you can’t see will merge back into itself and become unlimited again, when the body was born and took the breath of life it took it from the present, .you are eternally here, all creation is moving thrusting /existence, the body is there so existence can become I am, your invisible presence knows it is, there’s nobody who knows they are, we are all the supreme reality, there’s nobody in a body, for heaven sake, concepts, tree of knowledge is the entire illusion, so who is doing if nobody exists? The same power that does through every creature, the unknown.

Look at yourself, there is neither a mind or ego, both of these are concepts, when baby is born no matter what the baby is, puppy, monkey, horse, human, it takes the breath of life and it becomes alive, WE ARE THAT INVISIBLE EXISTENCE AND WHEN BODY DIES YOUR  EXISTENCE LEAVES THE BODY AND MERGES BACK INTO THIS MOMENT AND BECOMES UNLIMITED AGAIN IN UNIVERSAL EXISTENCE.

There is no me no you no other, everything is existence! 

We think we are somebody that sleeps and wakes up, there is nobody sleeping and waking up, it is manifest existence that conscious, then existence Unmanifest and that’s sleep where everything vanished, when existence manifest and is conscious all comes into being, the parable, I WAS NOT BORN INTO A WORLD IT WAS BORN IN ME IS CORRECT, you see in the core of body is life, it is existence that manifest and Unmanifest from the core, when manifest a whole world is seen, it’s by your light that all is seen, this light shines out all eyes, it’s so visible, why doesn’t anyone see it? 

We are  existence, not the words or concepts created by knowledge, all knowledge is false and it’s the cause of all mental  suffering, you are not the body, you are the seer, happy and free knowing nothing, like all nature, there’s so many countless forms, we are all the exact same existence in all as all.

Be formless existence that’s conscious and seeing, keep turning your awareness back into the seer, you need more and more awareness on yourself not on this world, the treasure is within you, it’s not in this world, you are the treasure! 

Your aware that I am and you say I am that’s your manifest existence that conscious, your consciousness I am is the divine manifest, the seer is consciousness, your manifest existence is behind the body and it’s really hard to become aware of your presence, love and devotion awakens your existence and it’s all for you, ask your own self to help you know your true nature.

I am in you LIFE as you are in me WORLD, we’re can the supreme hide? Existence is so ancient and it’s every where, your true nature is no knowing, life is a no knowing, the body speaks, there’s nobody inside doing it, love and devotion to ourselves  awakens your existence to itself

we identify ourselves as the body and that’s why we believe in differences, has anyone ever noticed that all things are life? How can you be something that’s created by a word? A concept? The seer is free and eternal and invisible, the seer is all creation is invisible, the invisible has no identify, it is vast and unborn and unlimited...

What more can be said? I am nothing and everything, so are you, the one seeking or meditating does not exist, know thyself as existence that’s eternal and set yourself free from all knowledge...existence is conscious and knows I am, this is how existence becomes aware that I am, the very I am that you say is existence but you take it to be the body, how can you be the body? Have you ever seen a dead body? It’s dead because existence left it, your not a corpse.

Death is about life, DONT be afraid to be your true nature happy and free, all creation is LIFE, every tree, flower, grass, there’s nothing that’s not life, life is the supreme absolute.

When you say I am hungry or I am tired, that’s existence identifying itself as the body, truth is, you are the one aware body is hungry, your aware the body is tired... be aware that your aware, there’s no person in a body, there’s only existence and all that knowledge you were taught is the source of every false thing, you are only eternal existence 

When your true nature shines forth the inner will merge with the outer and a light will shine unlimited in all its glory, while in world I am the light of it, we are life light n love.

Light and love come with the seed that creates all bodies, but the life does not come with it, body learns to talk and then we believe we are a someone talking, this is all false knowledge and this is the source of all suffering.

You are only the manifest existence I am and eternal life, when you manifest abide in the core, the core is the “ I”, when you truly come to know that every single thing is existence all grief will cease to exist, we cry over no one!

Stop seeing all as a name and label and see all as existence, life is the totality and life does not die, what dies are the concepts of human nature, I am HERE ETERNALLY AND SO IS THE ALL! 


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