Saturday, June 11, 2011

The formless seer

The seer is silent, the seer is not the body or mind the seer sees that all are the reflections of the seer, be here and now and enjoy, be present with yourself, re-new your mind and go back to childhood before words were known, be present with yourself you will see your own presence everywhere,  find out who the seer is. This is your goal and this is who you are. The seer is the grace in which gives life to this body.

Step out of what you have known and go straight to what is unknown within, drop all thoughts of what you took yourself to be,  you already are that which is the supreme self, how to open the treasure? Devotion and faith that you are that!

The seer is eternal and love, no one is out of this, no one is separate from this, because there is only one,  all seen is your own self, there is no personal "me", nor has there ever been, so let these false identities go that you have on yourself . You must know yourself first before you can love anything else,  give yourself attention and devotion, you give it to everyone else and everything else but yourself, stop focusing on the images seen, focus on who is seeing the images, by doing so you will see you already are present as the seer.

 The seer and the seen are equal, why? they are one, what is seen comes from the seer, There are no opposites for the seer, the seer is not divided by man-woman, bird, or animal, only thoughts that your something else divides you and all seen,  pain and suffering all arise from mind "thinking" your something other then the divine greatness, who else could you be? You know there is only one! you are confused due to what was filled into your mind, remove these false teachings, all of the knowledge is false, so many names were given to what was seen, everything seen has a label stamp on it, therefore you believe it to be your name name, dog, birds, cats, lions, horses, trees, man, woman, baby. child, flowers, ocean,sun, moon there are billions of objects with names, all of these "objects" seen are the one divine within the object, all seen comes from the formless seer within form, You are that!! the entire world is within this formless seer, so what can possible be separate from you? your missing your divine greatness and love because you "think" your limited. You are far from being limited, you are so darn fathomless filled with this fathomless love for your self....all is your self,  wisdom is to know this. stop defining what it is you see, you are one with life, you are the formless seer that gives life to all seen, you are seeing your own self living, loving, playing and you enjoy this is so simple to realize your own self when you realize your not this mind or body, your the one aware of this and the one aware if the formless seer within...

How can I possibly experience death if I never experienced birth? does anyone ever remember being born? if you never remember being born will you ever remember dieing? do you see who you are can never be what you thought? you are beyond both!! what was never born can never die, it is greatness..

The seer can not be defined by words, only known within your own self, your own self will realize itself when you remove what your not, your not the mind made man, you are the formless deathless, timelessness seer within form...

when mind is no one  the seer awakens, you will realize that you have always been this divine being,  where there is silence wisdom arises, who else wrote these words?  Mind can not become silent on it's own, if you the one aware of this mental activity allow it to be there and see it for what it is, it leaves on it's own, it has no power whatsoever...then silence just arises from that...

The mind will destroy the mind when it realizes it is nothing..

You are love and you are loving,  there are no other words,  the seer can not nor ever will be defined or described in words, the seer is all that is seen and beyond.

The seer is the mystery of life, this mystery is so endless, why endless? because there is no beginning.. don't be fooled by appearances..all appearances come from the seer and return to the seer, this greatness that you are is magic, no words will never be able to describe this fathomless love..NEVER!

You will slowly start to see everyone as spirits and not people, when your divine self reveals itself there is no form known, you don't even know you have a form, it is transparent, yet it is so powerful, so keep recognizing this over and over so within yourself , in truth once this shines forth, you are in it for life, you are so in love, you do not want to be anywhere else but within this...there is nothing greater then this formless seer within...

nothing is without the seer, the seer is transparent it can not be seen, yet all is because of this! it has no personality, it is not a personal person, it is impersonal, it just is as it is free from anything and everything always has been and always will be.

I carved a man out of my own image, I how could I ever forget that I was the imageless within image, I am not the image, the image is always changing, what changes is not real, what is changeless is the imageless within image, I am that which is the formless seer. I love all that I see, I love all that I hear, I am that love and I am  that which is seen within images. I am the formless, timeless, changless, deathless eternal divine which is always present here.

2 Corinthians 4:18 while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen,for the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal (the formless seer within form, is the seer, is the eternal, you are that)

when there is no mind you are imageless, mind percieves the image, mind can not perceive what is not seen, drop the mind you are not that, you are silence behind the mind.
A song for you~

look and you shall see, where do these divine colors come from? who are you? do they appear by themselves or is the seer the perceiver of his own perceptions? the seer and the seen are one....nothing can appear on it's own, can anything be if your not there?  know yourself and you shall know this...

Life is always present and aware, be one with yourself love what is within,, loving  your own truth is the highest devotion,  love the seer, devotion and love is the marriage to open the treasure, the treasure is the divine center heart, this is the pathway to the very best...and so much more!

when you begin to return to your nature joy shall arise, then you begin to observe how all forms say I or I am, nothing is not thy self, there was nor ever could be any separation, I am the I am within the form, the one who speaks is the formless seer.

you can only feel sadness if you feel separated, and you can only feel separated because you have not realized your self, when you realize your self you will realize your one with all forms, you will realize that you are the formless form within form, that you are all seen, there is only one in all these forms, your dog, your friends, your parents (all these appearances called family, friends and animals are this one divine being) when your self reveals the greater part of itself, you will know this, you will laugh out loud with immense joy knowing all that you have ever loved was your own self, there is nothing else but this one divine self, you will realize that your are indestructible, who you are can never ever ever die, the almighty greatness is one and is deathless, millions and millions of forms appear, what is within every single appearance is this one divine formless being...

I so love you ~

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The nameless form

When self reveals itself you realize your nameless, why nameless? how to express this, the personal "me" and "mine" vanish, you know that what you are is the wholeness of totality. There was something there, yet it was nameless grace and fathomless peace.

The nameless within took away the mental activity, and truth was shown and experienced, this beauty has been hidden for so long, the life all could have if they knew, listen to these words you are that!

The form may be nameless, yet it is complete wholeness of itself . when the personal  disappears to the impersonal life is beautiful..

all that was learned about who I am was gone, and who I really am is full and complete of this mystery of the self. This is my real reality, it is love and peace and wants nothing, just to be.. I have opened to my own self, here and now, can the nameless self be expressed? it has been expressing itself in these writings.

Most human beings are limited to the mind, and what you are is limitless, the mind is part of the body and so is the supreme, it can not be separate from this, when the mind vanished self revealed itself, I am the self.,  not to a limited mind of an individual, You know to be one with every single being no matter what form it is, what an awakening this is!! The mind can not comprehend the self, do not use the mind to grasp this, it is ungraspable.... the mind is limited, while the self is limitless when they merge it was completeness, it is eye opening, and the little individual me is gone forever.. 

 To be empty is to be full and this fullness will express itself, I promise you. Every time that this form has showed compassion it was not a "person" showing compassion, who I am is the supreme expressing itself. you are this! The supreme self loves itself, all are the self, how could anything be separate from the seed. It's like a million mirrors, the reflection in the mirrors are all one reflection. no matter what life form is seen, all are the supreme self,  love is this and you are that!

To see all of the expressions through different forms is the mystery, the expressions from animals, from the birds, from children to adults. when your eyes open to this the diversity is greatness. the aliveness in the sounds of the supreme when you walk outside and hear the energy of this aliveness and know  you are all this is speechless. All this is contained in the seed.

When this form falls off I do not go anywhere, for I am the supreme self. No one could ever be out of this, how could you, you are that! we lived life in complete illusion of thinking we were something else, your acting as if your are someone with an identity, you are not!!  Please know you would not be if you were not this! and this is beyond any word can describe...

You are perfect you are the seer and the seen, you are nameless and fullness, this fullness is immense peace and love, it is joy because when there is no one inside that has an identify you are filled with laughter, no bondage, nothing it is gone, you are free to just be....flying swaying, be-ing here and now with no limits..

how much I love thyself