Saturday, August 27, 2022

Surrender is highest wisdom

 Through great physical suffering there was absolute complete surrender and conversations with God.

The forces are all powerful and begin to transform you within the brain and it’s so small that you don’t know it but what happens is what you experience outside.

We would go to the park, myself and my dog and I’d sit at a picnick bench and look across the lake is awe, what is this?? Why does this feel and seem so beautiful? Daily I’d go back to the park in complete awe not knowing anything as to why it felt so good.

There will come a moment when your pulled away from things and again you don’t know why, pulled away from going to church or going to a party, all of a sudden you just feel you should not be there.

The forces are your guru, life within is life without, we never notice life but if you wave your arm back and forth you can feel it, so life is timeless and changeless always existing yet never perceived, the one who perceived all things can not perceive itself because it’s invisible, yet the forces are astonishing!!

These forces bring you through a process but again you don’t know it, you just think this is another day of life.

The universe is vast and the supreme can manifest in all its glory at any moment, it may not take you through a process, the glory now is I’m able to see how beautiful the supreme is and how it teaches without words, its simply so beautiful looking back, you won’t know a thing until life manifest.

Life is but a dream, and all in dream looks different, but the life force is all the same

Why do we have to go through all this? Because we were down loaded with concepts on who we are and on all others are, all we know is concepts and the worst one is your the body, your the manifest existence I am and your the life within the core, in the core of life is also a brilliant light and pure love, it’s the highest gift revealed to us, this is God


Trust only in God, conversations with God is also self inquiry into yourself, your conscious presence does not know it’s true nature, so this is how you come to know your the eternal, only  your not,  A CONCEPT.

You are God and allow God to teach and reveal himself as yourself.

Life without a personal self is your true nature, like all nature there is no one inside as a doer or chooser, this is the play of the invisible and light, you are the life being lived, be aware your the life eternal and the universal existence manifest, the one I am, there’s no other, when you can look into the eyes of an animal and feel yourself as them this is realization of pure love and that love is yourself. 

When you fall into sleep know you are the luminous life without beginning or ending and ask for help to realize this, wave your arm back and forth so your aware of the timeless presence of life, don’t live unaware of its presence because it’s your body, try to remain aware of this. 

You are what you seek, just delete ego, concept of a person and concept your the body is just a concept, the only way for existence to know it is, is through the object, when you look in the mirror be aware your existence seeing! 

Tuesday, August 16, 2022


 Each and every one is the eternal, your taught many concepts and we grow and live by them so we don’t know one single thing about our true nature, there’s a power that will do if all so that we will come to know who I am.

The forces are the most powerful and true, the forces are invisible and it’s our true self, when you go to sleep each night everything vanishes but you, you are what remains when body vanishes, therefore you don’t EVER DIE.

Do whatever it takes to come to know who you are and this means all your awareness must be on yourself, asking yourself who you are, who is the entity “I”?  you identify yourself as this “I” and you don’t even know it,

I want, I need, I have I love…. Who am I?? Is the biggest question, your body is not what it appears to be, you are loaded with light and the most purest love and the center of extreme power, there is no better life then to live it out in your light, it’s pure bliss.

When the realization of your true eternal nature becomes revealed you’ll never ever shed a tear on what human nature calls death, there’s no such thing, yet others think you have no emotions but truth is you are full of bliss in truth of what really is.

Don’t spend this life waisted on this passing dream, spend it on realizing who you are, surrender is the highest wisdom, with love and devotion to your own self, all are God, may you believe in this with all your heart, keep your mind on you, there is no one else that matters but yourself. 

Stop thought by holding onto one thought, love, grace, God, joy, whatever thought you choose, by holding onto one, it stops all others, there will come a time that your able to watch them and not identify with them.

My dear you are what always remains, sleep-awake-death, you are always here, prior to the birth of body you were right here, the vast life is nameless and it is the totality.

When you awaken all else will vanish, because your consciousness will merge with the center, and then manifest in all its glory.

YOU ARE THAT I AM….. God is seeking himself

Friday, June 10, 2022

Self realization

 Do you remember who you were prior to what the world taught you to be? ~ Charles Bukowski

Knowledge is the entire illusion, all suffering is due to knowledge, words and the meaning to words is nothing but suffering, the rest of nature is aloof to words and therefore has zero mental suffering


IN THE BODY LIKE ALL BODIES IS ONLY LIFE, cut the body open no one is inside, yet we have these identities and they are all just concepts, there is no one who exists, we are all nothing and nothing is everything Galatians 6:3

When the forces took over my existence through surrender love and devotion, life manifested inner to outer in all its glory and the realization we are all one existence and when body dies life leave it and merges back into this world which is the presence of God.

As I’ve said in these writings there is no entity that exists, the light within us is extreme intelligence and it remembers everything, when the body was born and life manifested in it, it became alive, we have the belief that there is a new person in the world, that’s the beginning of lots of suffering, concepts create all the unreal, unity exists when we drop all words

There is only the one existence, there is nobody who exists! 

 children suffer in school and most people don’t get it, who or what are we trying to teach? 

This is called mental suffering, then you have children killing themselves, so many have said I just need peace, the non stop thoughts from all the crap in there head is a bomb waiting to go off, when will people listen?

Genesis 3 in the Bible talks about the tree of knowledge of suffering, it has go to STOP.

Your true nature is pure peace itself, life is a no knowing, all happens through us not by us, just as the bird weaves a nest so perfectly for the new babies arriving, then when they are born the are feed, then when they are grown to fly and find there own food they are set free, the parents have no concepts of my children, nothing in nature is attached, only human nature and that’s why they suffer.  

There is NO OTHER, we are the eternal one, we come from the universe and we live in it and we will return to it when the body dies, universal existence-life is the only eternal, WE ALL ARE IT, prior to concepts there was no awareness of being anything, DONT you see it’s all concepts?

Be nothing know nothing is the rhythm of life, who is to speak to whom?

Die to the known, it’s all an illusion, when you can live life from the place of not knowing


Realization I never existed, head is empty, pure consciousness is the nature of all existence, aware there is no one else that exists, only I AM

Hold onto nothing, no past no memory, no nothing! 

You are life and life is free knowing nothing, your conscious presence is manifest existence I am, free of all knowledge, pure consciousness is our true nature, it is pure light and love, you’ll become aware of your grace when all the false identities fall away, Gods power is real and it’s only by Gods grace all this will become revealed!

Sunday, August 1, 2021

No YOU exists

 We believe I am so and so,, we believe this is my daughter my mother, does anything else in nature live with these concepts? NOPE, is anything else in nature depressed? NOPE, tree of knowledge is all of human suffering, if you would simply look and see the only thing in all bodies is LIFE, it’s the concepts learned that human beings believe they are a somebody living life but that somebody is only a concept, there is nobody in any body!

How to teach humans they don’t exist? Human beings have to have the courage to inquire back into their existence and as you ask your own self  to whom is this world? You’ll see there is no answer and nobody there, we never asked our own self about our self, the more you realize there is nothing but life the more you’ll realize why we suffer mentally, it’s all concepts.

The habit or belief these are my children must go, loose every single concept, all nature raises their young, then nature releases them to nature, there is no concepts of mine,  it’s just nature doing what all nature does, co-create, every single thing in nature is male-female to keep creating, there are no concepts in nature and no attachments.

I don’t exist, there is no one in a body that exists, there is no one seeing out the eyes, there is seeing, hearing, it’s pure manifest existence that is conscious, how to know your existence? When you look in the mirror, it’s existence that’s aware the body changes, aware there’s a pimple on the face, that which is aware is changeless, there must be a changeless background on the ever changing foreground, know thyself as the pure formless changeless being, you must be aware of your true nature now that you know your the changeless being, stay aware of being conscious, the more you turn your awareness on the one aware, this is how you awaken to your true eternal nature, ask and you shall receive, who am I? Watch what happens when you ask yourself this question, enquire, the guru is within you.

Everything is nothing:  Galatians 6:3, “I am the life, “ Jesus has said this many times, but did not say directly that everything is concepts, he did  say tree of life or tree of knowledge? He found it easier to use parables, still no one could understand him, so look at your own self, is there a person inside your body? We are so conditioned by concepts, we send kids to school and no one realizes why they suffer, who are we teaching all these concepts and beliefs too? WHO? Absolutely no one but your making them believe they are a someone and it’s all just a bunch of words!!

Only life is in a body, and the manifest is pure light of conscious being, our true nature of light and love, once thoughts cease, light shines and you’ll be aware of that too, it is pure existence that is conscious, there’s no person conscious, only existence, when existence merges into sleep all vanishes, then existence merges back up this is the awake state and a whole world appears, all this dream is in consciousness, if there is no light nothing would be seen, all that is being seen is by your light.

by Gods grace can you realize you are life and manifest existence I am is pure light of consciousness, all are the eternal, intellect is nothing but concepts, just as no mind exists either but more believe in a mind! Such is what concepts do, words and meanings have created queens and kings, presidents and so forth and it’s nothing but concepts, no such entity exists, look to see who you are without concepts!! 

The dream is a projection of consciousness, all that exists from any to elephant is the exact same existence consciousness I am, without words, become aware of your own presence will take time, keep attn inward as much as you can, even remain on who is seeing?

Prior to knowledge who are you? In sleep who are you? Who is aware of the dreams in sleep?   

The concepts of being a person is one’s misery.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Life is the supreme guru

 When life wants you to know your truth, it comes in the form of pain and suffering, WHY? We surrender when pain strikes, we pray to God and so forth, this has to happens so that your conscious presence surrenders and this is the beginning of the shift.


I am sure many of you have had gut feelings and that is life trying to guide you, we believe to be the body and a person, this is why nature brakes the body down with pain, because you are NOT THAT BODY, you are the body of existence -life eternal.

Ask and it shall be given~ Jesus Christ, self inquiry ~ ramana Maharishi ASK YOUR OWN SELF WHO AM I?

We are full of intellectual concepts, this is what dies while alive, by grace your brought back to pure consciousness knowing nothing .

Your awake state is manifest existence I am, NO MIND, pure emptiness is your true nature,  there’s no person in a body and all knowledge is the whole illusion.


I am the way the truth the life ~ Jesus Christ 

trust only in you 

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Existence is a non entity

As a baby you took the breath of life and became alive., just like all nature, you are pure existence of this universe, the seed and the life is the universe and you were so free not knowing anything, with no knowledge there was no suffering, there was no knowing whatsoever, you played with everything g and you were fearless, then we begin to learn who we are but the learning was all about the body and about all other objects that exists, all got names and descriptions, then as your learning goes on then meanings to the words, this is how you are experiencing life, as you get older you feel like a separate person with all other persons and animals and so forth, fear becomes a reality to us, fear of death hangs over us, non of this affects anything else in nature only human nature, all that you know about yourself is nothing more then concepts.

did anyone ever tell you that you are existence? Isn't it obvious that all that exists is only existence?  Problem Is the mind actually believes it is an entity, the mind does not know existence, life,  it only knows what you are NOT,  truly all that you are is existence, nothing else exists but the one existence manifested as all creation, you know I AM, but that's all you should know, existence is aware it is, but your I am that you say thinks it is an entity, a somebody and that somebody is nothing more then concepts,no entity exists in this universe whatsoever, what is a person? How do you create a person? It's a complete illusion, your own existence does not know it's true nature as existence itself, you are the inside of the outside and the outside is the inside, existence is always now unchanging, it is free of all concepts and it is fearless because existence always exists, you as existence have never asked anything about yourself to yourself, nor have you realized that you can only ever be existence, so if you as existence ask yourself:  from Where am I seeing from? It's a question your conscious presence should hold onto until it's answered, existence has to turn back into itself and see what is living? You can only say I am life, life is alive, does anything else exist in the body besides life? NO, the mind struggles with this because the mind is filled with concepts that I am so and so, I am this age or a female, so this all that the mind knows.

You have to free yourself up of all the concepts you have on yourself, try just being existence which is a no entity, a baby is pure life not knowing anything and the baby is fearless, what's to fear when nothing is known?  try and keep trying to be what you really are prior to knowledge, throw the " I" out of the mind because no such entity exists, what is an I? It's an idea I am so and so, I have desires and fears, I have this or that, I have a birthday, how can existence be an entity I? How can existence have a birthday? When was existence born? So do you see this clearly? You who are the pure existence of the universe was trained to believe your a somebody when truth is you are a nobody because existence is existence, life is life, when life leaves the body it merges back into the total existence and becomes unlimited again, the body dies and changes all the time but not spirit, not existence who is the one supreme being, you are the supreme being, you are unlimited infinite existence and all that exists in the wonderful variety of creation is one existence.

Once you live as existence which has no identifications as being anything else except for what you are you will become so free and the more you remain aware of your existence the more it awakens to its splendor and will manifest itself in all its glory, keep the mind in surrender, accept what is at all times, the ego must die because it's that conceptual entity that blocks you from your true nature as existence which is this present moment, there is no beginning or ending to your true nature and when the " I" is thrown out of the mind only existence remains as a non entity, you need nothing because you are already complete and free, you are all creation when you live as existence you will see it's so obvious that only existence exists.

When you begin to realize the nature of all these concepts you will see clearly it's the cause of all the suffering in this world, you see beings falling apart when the idea of a loved one died, this idea there is a you and an other is very painful, there is no other nor has there ever been an other, all are the exact same manifest existence and it does not die,,it only merges back into this moment and becomes unlimited, DONT BE AFRAID OF WHAT YOU ARE, it the only truth, as Christ said I AM THE LIFE, THE LIGHT, THE WAY, the light is your. conscious presence, that light is what is aware, you are aware of the room that your in, you are aware when body gets hungry or hurt, LIGHT AND LIFE IS ALL THAT EXISTS, there's no me no you and no I, there's only life, existence and your light, this light is what is aware and it's how existence knows it is, it is aware of the dreams in mind when body is sleeping, it is aware of this dream world, earlier you were told to ask from where are you seeing from? Well from your light which is your very awareness, and your aware of existing and aware all that exists in the OCEAN OF LIFE IS LIFE AND LIFE IS A NON ENTITY, it is free, it is the spirit, it is the supreme being of universe and you are THAT

LIVE AS EXISTENCE AND SEE HOW BEAUTIFUL YOUR LIFE WILL BECOME AND WATCH THE BEAUTIFUL PATTERN OF EVENTS, you have no cares or concerns, being a non entity which is what you are is freedom from all concerns and concepts, prior to knowledge you were pure existence only, you are that now and for eternity, life is the eternal, unborn and deathless.

There is no mind, what we. call thought is mind, your not thoughts, if you have trouble with thoughts hold onto one thought, then nothing else can enter and soon enough you will return to your.natural presence as this present moment.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

No mind

In the awake state if you remain as you are with " no mind" no concepts you remain the perfect being that you already are.

what beings call mind is truly consciousness, you are pure consciousness I am in the awake state with no mind, there's no such thing as " mind" it's a word created in this conceptual world, truth is what one calls mind is thought, a thought comes and you believe your thinking it and that is not so, thoughts rise in consciousness, just see it and then it will go, abide as NO MIND  and you'll see what your true nature is, it's simply being, that's it, just being and it's bliss when you realize there is no mind.

So take a seat and see, abide as no mind right now, soon you'll be able to live a great life with no mind, no thinking and no thought, pure being is pure spirit, your eternal nature, it's so simple when you stop using the mind to discover what you already are, pure being never changes, all else comes and goes while you always are, unchanged being, you are not going to sleep and waking up, consciousness rises all comes into being, consciousness merges back into core all vanishes but not you, you always are and your the one aware of all this, so in awake state remain as NO MIND and you'll come to see that you are peace itself and joy, just being, not being anything at all, just being and seeing with no interpreter.

as you remain as you are with no concepts running you'll see how effortless your spirit is and soon you'll perceive that it is pure light that is seeing, thoughts and thinking cover it up, so when you stay as no mind the light will soon be shinning and all that you see will look so beautiful and peaceful, stay aware of no mind so your attention is drawn back inward, being aware of your own existence.

You'll no longer believe you are a body or born,  fear will come to an end with the realization all that exists does so because you are, the world was born in you and by your light it is seen, so rest in NO MIND and allow your own treasure in the core of the being that you are come to realize itself

NO MIND ONLY PURE EFFORTLESSLY BEING, no you no God, no God no you