In the awake state if you remain as you are with " no mind" no concepts you remain the perfect being that you already are.
what beings call mind is truly consciousness, you are pure consciousness I am in the awake state with no mind, there's no such thing as " mind" it's a word created in this conceptual world, truth is what one calls mind is thought, a thought comes and you believe your thinking it and that is not so, thoughts rise in consciousness, just see it and then it will go, abide as NO MIND and you'll see what your true nature is, it's simply being, that's it, just being and it's bliss when you realize there is no mind.
So take a seat and see, abide as no mind right now, soon you'll be able to live a great life with no mind, no thinking and no thought, pure being is pure spirit, your eternal nature, it's so simple when you stop using the mind to discover what you already are, pure being never changes, all else comes and goes while you always are, unchanged being, you are not going to sleep and waking up, consciousness rises all comes into being, consciousness merges back into core all vanishes but not you, you always are and your the one aware of all this, so in awake state remain as NO MIND and you'll come to see that you are peace itself and joy, just being, not being anything at all, just being and seeing with no interpreter.
as you remain as you are with no concepts running you'll see how effortless your spirit is and soon you'll perceive that it is pure light that is seeing, thoughts and thinking cover it up, so when you stay as no mind the light will soon be shinning and all that you see will look so beautiful and peaceful, stay aware of no mind so your attention is drawn back inward, being aware of your own existence.
You'll no longer believe you are a body or born, fear will come to an end with the realization all that exists does so because you are, the world was born in you and by your light it is seen, so rest in NO MIND and allow your own treasure in the core of the being that you are come to realize itself
NO MIND ONLY PURE EFFORTLESSLY BEING, no you no God, no God no you